The puzzle piece awareness ribbons is for Autism. It is a group of developmental brain disorders, collectively called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is broken out into one of five disorders, sometimes called pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs), as ASD: -Autistic disorder (classic autism) -Asperger’s disorder (Asperger syndrome) -Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) -Rett’s disorder (Rett syndrome) -Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD).
Follow this awareness ribbon on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/awarenessart/puzzle-piece-autism-spectrum-disorder-awareness-ri/
Here are some sample awareness ribbon gifts and merchandise. They can be customized with your own words and other design options! Shop on our Zazzle Shop at: http://www.zazzle.com/awarenessgallery?rf=238185080270205275
Also available on CafePress at http://www.cafepress.com/awarenessgallery?aid=3925334