Environmental Protection Awareness uses a green ribbon color. There are muliple days and months that promote environmental protection awareness. Earth Day occurs annually on April 22nd with the month of April being used to promote awareness.
The United Nations has June 5th as World Environment Day. From its website: “Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world.”
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Department of Environmental Management System states this about Environmental Awareness & Equality:
Many environmental issues will have a significant adverse impact on public health in the coming decades. Climate change, driven largely by the greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion, is threatening to change the planet we call home. The effects of climate change have already been observed in loss of sea ice, rising sea level, heat wave intensity and duration, and increased ocean acidity, among others. Access to clean air, water, and land is also a growing concern throughout the world as these resources become overburdened by environmental pollution. Poor air and water quality contribute significantly to human morbidity and mortality as well as environmental degradation.
…Another key issue for the present and future is environmental justice (EJ). EJ calls for equal treatment and involvement of all people in the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws and policies.
…Communities that experience disproportionate environmental burden tend to remain at a low socioeconomic status because of the lost opportunities of income and health expenditures. “
The environmental protection awareness ribbon is available on a variety of merchandise that already has a variety of messages. There are also blank green awareness ribbon merchandise options too. All items in the Awareness Gallery store can be customized with your own words and images.
This ribbon art can also be available through the non-profit, DonnaBellas Angels. It provides inspirational art for mental health wellness. Email us at info@awarenessgallery.com.