The yellow awareness ribbon color shows support for bone cancer or osteosarcoma, support our troops / armed forces return, MIA/POW, suicide prevention, endometriosis, bladder cancer, adoptive parents, craniofacial acceptance, & spina bifida plus more.
Bladder cancer also has an alternate color ribbon of marigold, blue, and purple.
Suicide prevention also uses a purple and teal ribbon. Surviving loved ones of suicide uses a yellow and red ribbon.
Let this yellow ribbon awareness give support to these causes!
Follow this awareness ribbon on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/awarenessart/yellow-awareness-ribbon-support-and-art-gifts/
Here are some sample awareness ribbon gifts and merchandise. They can be customized with your own words and other design options! Shop on our Zazzle Shop at: http://www.zazzle.com/awarenessgallery?rf=238185080270205275
Also available on CafePress at http://www.cafepress.com/awarenessgallery?aid=3925334
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